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Contact Us

Robotel Inc.

3185, rue Delaunay

Laval (Quebec) H7L 5A4


P: +1 (450) 680-1448

TFP: +1 (800) 680-1448 (CAN/US)

Fax: +1 (450) 680-1928


We have product experts in many countries around the world.

You may have questions about our SmartClass products, and we are here to help.

For the past 39 years, Robotel has been installing language-learning labs all over the world. Our goal is to help teachers motivate students to speak more in class and gain the skills to pass their exams.

We help schools use technology in the classroom to enrich the learning experience for students.

Our teachers have created a curriculum of digital activities in English, German, Spanish, and Arabic for the development of students' language skills. And that is not all! SmartClass can be used to teach ANY language.

For more information on how to get your school or district started, contact us.